A few new blogs for my reader and the blogroll

And big site changes to the blog

  • On Friday, I ripped out over-engineered Comentario as it’s roundly not compatible with any site them that can switch from light to dark without one being a full-on web developer. I tried my best but that thing was fury inducing, and SO badly documented.

  • My commenting system is now powered by Giscus instead. It has a big drawback in that you have to log in with Github, so that excludes most of the normal world from commenting, but it’s a neat solution, works with my theme, and you’re never gonna get comment spam.

  • There’s the added advantage that I can get rid of that particular docker container on my server, along with the Postgresql it requires.

The Annual Newbury Tattoo Convention

On Saturday, myself and the missus, plus my eldest daughter and her fiance went to the Newbury Tattoo Convention at Newbury Racecourse.

First, we persuaded Cheri to get a small heart made from leaves from El Harper:

Cheri Gets Ink Cheri’s New Tat

Whist that was happening, we watched a strong-man competition: Strong Man

Later in the afternoon, I got an AMAZING tattoo for myself from Peejay Tattoos. This fits in with my ongoing tattoo theme of “an ancient story”, “an old song”, and now “an old rhyme”. Hey Diddle Diddle

We got home later, and I made the mistake of telling my youngest daughter about a tattoo artist doing gooses. Sooo, next day I had to buy tickets anew and bring her up. She ended up with not just 1, but 2 tattoos. One Goose from The GooseFather, and a hercules beetle from Inkleigh Tattoo: Keira Gets Inked Keira Gets More Ink

And whist that was happening, I watched some BMX. bmx1 bmx2