03/Mar/2024 - Quiet Weekend

A busy weekend feeding a cat, meeting the inlaws, having an american meal, road trips, and late night techy stuff.

3rd of March, 2024 · 2 min · 322 words · Chris Funderburg

29/Feb/2024 - The End

A wild few days where I find myself forced to start looking for a new contract

29th of February, 2024 · 2 min · 299 words · Chris Funderburg

25/Feb/2024 - Smashing

A great day at work on Thursday and Friday, a road trip to the Brighton Tattoo Cnvention, and some inside for non-technical people who enjoy, or are forced to run Microsfot Windows.

25th of February, 2024 · 2 min · 395 words · Chris Funderburg

20/Feb/2024 - Frieren

Today I subscribed to Crunchyroll via Amazon Prime as I wanted to watch “Frieren - Beyond Journey’s End”. This anime has such amazing artwork. Kiera and I watched the first episode.

20th of February, 2024 · 1 min · 213 words · Chris Funderburg

18/Feb/2024 - Weekend Update

Friday @ Work Expecting the usual post full of complaint about how shite work is? Not today! So, on Friday, my team lead was off sick. So, who does everyone rely on? That’ll be me. Who solved all their problems. Me again. Who did they complain about my team lead to? You guessed it! Me again! So, labour-wise, an excellent day! NubeGo / Stackzone I poked my consultancy on Friday, trying to prep them I guess for me not being renewed....

18th of February, 2024 · 2 min · 380 words · Chris Funderburg

14/Feb/2024 - Offs

Triggered The day started pleasantly enough. Getting the Service Now integration done was looking in reach. And finishing the WAF deployment was looking plausible too. Then, everything went tits up. Several days previously, I’d noted to the Security team that Service Now image I’d been building suddenly had a “High” issue found on its security scan. This was in the source Docker image from the internet, had no fix, and was only discovered a few days previously....

14th of February, 2024 · 2 min · 405 words · Chris Funderburg

13/Feb/2024 - Service Now

Yet another mostly-quiet day. Work I’m down to 44 days left in the contract, 28ish working days. I had some successes integrating our Alertmanager into a corporate tool called Service Now via its API, so we can send alerts in theory. I say in theory as no one’s defined any useful alerts in our eleventy-seven thousand metric points. Given we have no SRE, that’ll probably fall to me, and it’s really not my area of expertise....

13th of February, 2024 · 2 min · 271 words · Chris Funderburg

12/Feb/2024 - Better

Last Friday was better at work for reasons I can’t put my fingers on. Made some good progress on various tasks.

12th of February, 2024 · 4 min · 651 words · Chris Funderburg

08/Feb/2024 - Brothers in Chaos

I am apparently, what you might call, an agent of chaos.

8th of February, 2024 · 2 min · 292 words · Chris Funderburg

07/Feb/2024 - Explanations

Had the most lush smoothie for brunch. Frozen bananas, strawberries, blueberries, and kefir, apple juice, and a peach Actimel blended up. Delish. Met with team lead for our first weekly catchup. No issues. Just discussed my current task.

7th of February, 2024 · 3 min · 588 words · Chris Funderburg