Want to boost your overall performance and wonder which hardware, software and tools I use? Here’s the curated gear list I use daily, to increase my performance as a professional engineer and consultant.

Updated: mid September 2024. This is a continual work in progress…

Tech Gear

Home Office

Audio, Photo, Video




  • OS: MacOS or Debian Sid. Considering switching my Linux to Arch at home.
  • Linux Desktop Environment: KDE (Plasma).
  • Shell: zsh with Ohmyzsh and Powerlevel10k.
  • Browser: Firefox, with uBlock Origin as I NEVER want to see ads..
  • Editor of choice: vim. I’ve tried and tried to get along with Visual Studio Code, but there’s no world where it wouldn’t slow me down compared with vim.
  • Obsidian for note management.
  • Mac Terminal: iTerm2.
  • Linux Terminal: konsole.
  • Cloud Storage: Self-Hosted Nextcloud.
  • RSS Service: Self-Hosted TTRSS.
  • RSS Client: Self-Hosted TTRSS.
  • Podcasts: Pocket Casts on Android.

Work Software

  • I build infrastructure from code with Terraform. For personal projects I now only use OpenTofu.
  • Github is what I use almost exclusively for source code management.
  • For CI/CD pipelines I use Github Actions, Gitlab, even Jenkins occasionally.
  • I know there are alternatives but I still use Docker to build container images.
  • Should a server need to be configured, my tool of choice is Ansible.
  • I prefer ArgoCD for GitOps.


  • Music: Spotify + an immense collection of MP3s curated for over 20 years.
  • Calendar: Google Calendar - looking for alternatives.
  • Email Service: Proton Mail - looking for alternatives. Docker-Mailserver looks super interesting.
  • Email Client: Proton web, or Mac Mail - considering Thunderbird.
  • Passwords: 1Password.
  • VPN: PrivateVPN.
  • Todoist.
  • name.com for domain registration and DNS. I recently moved away from Godaddy as they’re clearly trying to destroy their own business.