Readers, I’ve been on the internet also since it started existing. I remember the days before Google and Facebook existed. I remember the joy of Stumble Upon and finding weird and wonderful sites.

But here we are in 2024 and it feels like the internet as we know it is dying. Web searches often don’t return anything you’re looking for. AI garbage is running rampant. Social media is beyond toxic and unhealthy. The “web” seems like it’s been abandoned and we’re all the more poorer for it.

So, I find myself searching for the old sites. Made by humans without algorithms.

For the past week or so, late at night, I’ve been searching for independent blogs, seeing if they’re interesting and adding them to my self-hosted feed reader and building my own blogroll . I’ve also been researching Indyweb tech like webmentions, microformats, Indyauth, etc to see if I can integrate them into my own tech stack.

Even as a committed introvert, I’ve also just felt the urge to reach out to give a nod to some of these bloggers out there doing likewise. Today I was reminded of one of my favourite quotes :

Always give a word or sign of salute when meeting or passing a stranger if in a lonely place. –Tecumseh

Thank a blog author for an interesting post. Let them know they’re not just shouting into the void. Maybe buy them a coffee should such an option exist. Most of all, let’s rebuild this web one strand at a time.

As a side note, I’m always looking for new blogs to follow. I’m interested in any independent blogs about technology, gardening, sustainability, work, life, social issues, a bit of politics, just - basic humanity. The only basic requirement is that that there’s some semi-regular content. Throw your blogs at me and I’ll always have a look.